Construction Blog (in reverse chronological order)

Jan 2015

A pair of hairline cracks have appeared on the Foyer wall that is along the driveway. Rather strange, considering that this wall is not load bearing and was not modified during the construction. The crack starts at the ceiling, going through the architrave (first photo), continues down the wall (second and third photos) finishing at about waist height (fourth photo). There is actually a second crack that is shorter, near the top, as seen in the first photo. The cracks are mid-way along the wall, right behind the iMac screen shown the last photo below.

2015: crack top 2015: crack mid1 2015: crack mid2 2015: crack bottom 2015: crack location

Week 26 [25-29 Nov]

The house is ours! Below are photos of the house as we got it on Friday 29 Nov.

Enter at the foyer:

Week26: foyer Week26: foyer Week26: foyer Week26: foyer

Turn left from foyer into dining room:

Week26: dining Week26: dining Week26: dining Week26: dining

From dining room step into the kitchen:

Week26: kitchen Week26: kitchen Week26: kitchen Week26: kitchen Week26: kitchen

From the kitchen step across the hall into the guest bedroom (office):

Week26: guest bedroom Week26: guest bedroom

And now step from the guest bedroom into the hallway:

Week26: hallway Week26: hallway

On the right of the hallway lie the old bathroom and laundry:

Week26: lower bathroom Week26: lower bathroom Week26: laundry Week26: laundry

Further down the hallway is the main living area:

Week26: living Week26: living Week26: living Week26: living Week26: living Week26: living

We now start going up the stiars:

Week26: stairs Week26: stairs Week26: stairs Week26: stairs Week26: stairs Week26: stairs Week26: stairs

And arrive at the upstairs retreat:

Week26: retreat Week26: retreat Week26: retreat Week26: retreat Week26: retreat Week26: retreat

Walking along the hallway upstairs leads to the bathroom on the left:

Week26: bathroom Week26: bathroom Week26: bathroom Week26: bathroom Week26: bathroom

Kiran's bedroom further on the left:

Week26: Kiran's bedroom Week26: Kiran's bedroom Week26: Kiran's bedroom Week26: Kiran's bedroom

Nayan's bedroom is on the right:

Week26: Nayan's bedroom Week26: Nayan's bedroom Week26: Nayan's bedroom Week26: Nayan's bedroom

And the main bedroom is at the end:

Week26: Main bedroom Week26: Main bedroom Week26: Main bedroom Week26: Main bedroom

Week 25 [18-22 Nov]

Pretty much done - the staircase has been painted and polished this week (see photos below), the staircase lights and downlight dimmers have been installed, the windows have been cleaned. Next week the kitchen shelves and pantry light are going to be fixed on Monday, Nathan is going to be back to do minor things (door stoppers, fix gate, etc.) on Monday, the house is going to get a final clean, and we are ready for the council inspector to come on Tuesday. The fencing is coming down on Monday, and Phil the flooring guy is going to finalise things such as installing barrier between wooden floorboards and kitchen tiles. Hand-over is on Friday 30 Nov.

Week25: staircase polished Week25: staircase polished Week25: staircase polished Week25: staircase polished

Week 24 [11-15 Nov]

Floors are being polished this week, and the house is looking a lot more posh. Alan has installed the mirror and shower screens in the bathroom (first two pictures below). He has also spent all Saturday and Monday installing the built-in closets - the main bedroom closets are white, Nayan's are green, and Kiran's are light blue - see next three photos below. He has also put in shelving in the linen closet outside the bathroom (last photo). Thinngs are going well on-track. Next week Sam the painter is going to paint and stain the stiarcase, and the kitchen guys are going to finish up. The week after will be touch up (Lane Cove council will inspect on Tue 26 Nov), and then Matthew will hand us the house on Friday 29 Nov - looking forward to it!

Week24: bathroom mirror Week24: shower screens Week24: closet in main bedroom Week24: closet in nayan's bedroom Week24: closet in kiran's bedroom Week24: linen closet

Week 23 [04-08 Nov]

Painting pretty much finished this week (with some touch-up to be done later). First two photos below show front view of house with doors painted. Paul has also installed many of the ligths, next two photos show the external lights in sideyard and laundry side. The internal painting looks good - the laundry is all pink, the living room feature wall is cool, the celery green in the dining room is also nice, and the storage area seems very usable. The kitchen sink has been installed, as has the benchtop, the cabinets/pantry, and on Saturday morning Ben also installed all teh wall and feature tiles. Looks good! The last picture shows the bathroom vanity, and Alan is also on-site Saturday installing the closets, in readiness for floor sanding to begin next week.

Week23: front view Week23: front view Week23: yard side view showing outside light Week23: laundry side view showing outside light Week23: laundry inside Week23: living room feature wall Week23: dining room walls and kitchen view Week23: dining room wall lights Week23: storage room Week23: tiled porch Week23: kitchen sink Week23: kitchen cabinets Week23: kitchen pantry Week23: kitchen benchtop Week23: kitchen tiled Week23: bathroom vanity

Week 22 [28Oct - 01Nov]

Lots of painting happening this week. The outside of the house is painted (first photo), and in fact downpipes have also been installed (not shown in photo). The upper level has been fully painted, see pictures of the three bedrooms in next three photos, and the retreat in the next photo. The retreat looks nice with the feature walls. The kitchen benchtop has been installed (next photo). The old fuse box has been bricked up (last two photos below), need to ask Matthew if they are going to render on top. Paul the electrician has been doing fit-outs of lights and fans in upper floor. Also met with curtian/shutters people on-site, and have decided to go for plantation shutters to all bedroom windows, and curtains for living room and dining/foyer. Expensive!

Week22: House side/rear view Week22: Main bedroom painted Week22: Nayan's bedroom painted Week22: Kiran's bedroom painted Week22:Retreat painted Week22:Retreat painted Week22: Old fuse box hole Week22: Old fuse box bricked up

Week 21 [21-25 Oct]

Laundry shelving and benchtop are in place - first photo shows the benchtop and the second the shoe-closet - looks good! The kitchen cabinetry is also getting into place (next three photos below), benchtop is to come in two weeks. The gap between benchtop and window is going to be small, so Matthew says he will put a thicker architrave at the bottom to cover the gap. The electric cable hole has also been dug, the wires and in, and they are starting to fill it up again (second last photo below). There is a green cable box next to the footpath (last photo) which is a bit of an eyesore, but I guess its better than having aerial cables.

Week21: Laundry Week21: Laundry Week21: Kitchen Week21: Kitchen Week21: Kitchen Week21: Electric cable Week21: Electric cable

Week 20 [14-18 Oct]

Staircase is in place! Went Monday morning and found stairs have been installed, see first five photos below. The trades/risers are in place, as are the posts and bannisters. The polishing/staining will be done once the floor has been polished, so it can be matched. Came back later in the week and found that the closet under the stairs has been walled in (sixth photo below) and the underside of the upper staircase has been gyprocked (next photo).

Week20: Staircase Week20: Staircase Week20: Staircase Week20: Staircase Week20: Staircase Week20: Staircase Week20: Staircase

Kitchen cabinets are also going into place. The first photo shows the carcasss of the attic and fridge, the next one shows the oven/cooktop carcass, the next shows the sink and microwave area, while the last photo shows that the gap between the sink and the window is quite small (will the benchtop fit in that?).

Week20: Kitchen Week20: Kitchen Week20: Kitchen Week20: Kitchen

Week 19 [7-11 Oct]

Nathan continues to put the door/window frames and skirtings, see first three pictures below for the bedrooms (main, nayan, kiran) and the fourth for the retreat upstairs. The cornices are also in place, see next three pictures. The staircase is going to go in next week - see space in the last picture

Week19: Architraves in main bedroom Week19: Architraves in nayan's bedroom Week19: Architraves in kiran's bedroom Week19: Architraves in retreat window Week19: Patterned cornice Week19: Patterned cornice Week19: Patterned cornice Week19: Staircase cavity

Week 18 [30Sep - 04Oct]

The floors have been laid, the external painting is done (see first two pictures below). The cornices are being put in the living and hallways. Met with Paul on-site to discuss lights. Pictures below show the light points in the front of the house, the two sides and the rear. Paul is going to start cutting holes for downlights etc.

Week18: Painted house view from street Week18: Painted house view from yard Week18: Light at front of house Week18: Light at carport Week18: Light outside laundry Week18: Light at rear of house Week18: Light in yard Week18: Light outside dining

Week 17 [23-27 Sep]

Lots of progress this week! The flooring guys have finished laying the boards downstairs. Figures below show flooring in foyer, dining, hall (with steps built), and guest bedroom.

Week17: Floor in foyer Week17: Floor in dining Week17: Floor in hall Week17: Floor in guest bedroom

The flooring upstairs will be done by end of week. Figures below show flooring in retreat, main bedroom, Nayan's bedroom, and Kiran's bedroom.

Week17: Floor in retreat Week17: Floor in main bedroom Week17: Floor in Nayan's bedroom Week17: Floor in Kiran's bedroom

Tiler Ben has been on-site all week. The bathroom has been tiled (first figure below), and the kitchen, which he has levelled with screed cement (second picture below), has been tiled with travertine (third and fourth pictures below). Laundry floor (fifth picture below) has not been tiled yet.

Week17: Tiles in bathroom Week17: Kitchen floor levelled Week17: Kitchen tiles Week17: Kitchen tiles Week17: Laundry floor

The external painting of the upper level is complete: first picture below shows the view from street, and the second shows the side view. We are thinking what to do about the front porch (next two pictures below), possibly the posts should all be white and the floor painted brown?

Week17: Front painted Week17: Side painted Week17: Porch (to be painted) Week17: Porch (to be painted)

Next week, the external painting will continue to the lower level, and the scaffolding will come off. Nathan is going to start putting in the architraves and skirtings, and then doors will be fitted.

Week 16 [16-20 Sep]

Flooring has commenced this week. Visited site Monday and they have started working out floor levels and putting battens to flatten the floor, as shown in the first photo (foyer) and second photo (guest bedroom) below. By Thursday, the battens were all done and the floorboards were being laid in the living area (photos 3 and 4 below).

Week16: Floor battens in foyer Week16: Floor battens in guest bedroom Week16: Floorboards in living Week16: Floorboards in living

The rendering and gyprocking is all done. The bathroom floor and walls are ready for tiling (first photo below), the bedroom are all ready for painting and putting the closets (next three photos show the main bedroom, Nayan's bedroom, and Kiran's bedroom). The next photo shows the retreat, and the last hoto shows the house from outside.

Week16: Bathroom Week16: Main bedroom Week16: Nayan's bedroom Week16: Kiran's bedroom Week16: Retreat Week16: Front view of house

Week 15 [9-13 Sep]

Windows have all been installed and the external brickwork is pretty much done, as shown in first photo below. The next photo shows the living room sliding doors from inside, and the third photo shows the living room walls that have been rendered (the floorboards have also been delivered, currently stored in the living area). The kitchen window has been installed, the walls are rendered, and the wall frame on the side has been put up. The Kitchen measurements have been taken by Glenn and given to Acron kitchens to produce the cabinets. The next photo shows the opening for the staircase to be built. There is an issue with pipe hammer in the bathroom, and Matthew is replacing the mixers with higher quality ones (Grohe "Eurodisc Cosmopolitan") which Harvey Norman is upgrading at no extra cost.

Week15: Brickwork done Week15: Living room sliding doors Week15: Living room wall rendered, and flooroards delivered Week15: Kitchen window Week15: Staircase opening

The windows in all bedrooms are done: Nayan's bedroom, the main bedroom, and Kiran's bedroom are shown below. The sound bats on the internal walls seem pretty good, and cut out a lot of the sound. The bathtub has been installed, and the bathroom wall electrics and vanity outlets have been installed.

Week15: Nayan's bedroom Week15: Main bedroom Week15: Kiran's bedroom Week15: Bathtub Week15: Bathroom switches Week15: Bathroom vanity outlets

Week 14 [2-6 Sep]

Windows have finally arrived! Windows have been installed to Kiran's bedroom, Nayan's bedroom, and the main bedroom as shown in the first three photos below. They open only 10cm (for safety), but the block can be unscrewed if needed (at some later date). Next two photos show the windows in the retreat upstairs.

Week14: Windows in Kiran's bedroom Week14: Windows in Nayan's bedroom Week14: Windows in main bedroom Week14: Windows in retreat Week14: Windows in retreat

Windows have also been installed to kitchen (has only one sliding door not two as Matthew had originally told us), and living room downstairs. The sliding doors are being installed, as shown in photo below. The brickwork is being done on the bathroom side. We are also thinking of putting better cornices in the living room, as it has very high ceiling.

Week14: Sliding door in living Week14: Windows in living Week14: Brickwork in side

Week 13 [26-30 Aug]

I have been overseas this week, so have not been to site. Did however go on the Monday after to meet the electrician Paul to confirm position of plug points in kitchen. The footings issue seems to have been solved. They have poured concrete and rebuilt the brick wall between kitchen and dining - seems solid now! The kitchen floor is still uneven; Matthew says it will be levelled soon.

Week13: Footing filled in with concrete Week13: New brickwork Week13: New brickwork

The windows are not here yet, so Matthew has started the rendering work. The living room wall was being rendered, and the dining has already been done.

Week13: Render to living wall Week13: Render to dining wall Week13: Render to kitchen wall

Week 12 [19-23 Aug]

General work is progressing - walls for upper floor have been bricked to window height (windows expected Wednesday next week), plumbing in bathrooom above is near-done, and gaslines in kitchen are laid. Work on fixing the footings under the wall between kitchen and dining is underway. Two pictures below show that the ground has been dug to reach rock, and cement bedding has been poured. They will now construct a U-shaped arch on which the brickwork will sit to support it.

Week12: Front view of house Week12: Footings being laid Week12: Footings being laid

The kitchen wall renders have been removed, and there is (yet another) crack in the wall adjoining the living room. This again seems to be because the lintel above old doorway has bent, causing the brickwork to crack (first two pictures below). No serious structural issue here as there is no great load on this wall, but Matthew will probably still key in some of the bricks, and put non-compressive grout to hold the lintel up without bending. The ppipeworks for gas have also been laid, as shown in the fourth picture, and the gas-pipe also has been brought through the wall to the living area (next picture) so we can put a gas heater if we want.

Week12: Kitchen wall crack Week12: Kitchen wall crack Week12: Kitchen wall crack Week12: Kitchen wall crack Week12: Kitchen wall crack

THe plan is that by next week the footings issues will be fixed, and the week after the windows and brickwor upstairs will be done. By end of September the reander downstairs and gyprocking upstairs should be done. October will be taken up with staircase, flooring, and kitchen. If all goes to plan, that leaves finish-up (painting etc.) for November.

Week 11 [12-16 Aug]

Problem with footing amplifies this week. As mentioned last week, the wall between the foyer and the hall has a crack that seems to be a footing issue. Nathan opened up a hole in the floor to investigate, and sure enough, the old door opening does not have bricks going all the way to the footing - they go only to the floor (first photo). This puts weight on the little nib, causing the crack in the wall. The second photo shows view of footings from below floor level. Matthew brought the engineer along to inspect it, and he is also uncomfortable with this, and intends to rebuild this part of the wall to make it go all the way to the footing (he also has to dig to find rock on which he can lay the footing). He also intends to reinforce the wall by putting a frame (towards the kitchen side) and gyprock it; the frame stops the wall from falling towards the kitchen (the other side is supported by the perpendicular wall that is between the foyer and the dining). This will cost an extra $5k (gulp!). The side effect of this is that the kitchen will become narrower (by about 15cm), which means the window will not be central anymore (hopefully that's not noticeable). The wall between the hall and the kitchen is also thin, single brick laid on its side. Engineer is again uncomfortable with this, especially if the wall has to be chased for electrics. Matthew therefore intends to put frame on it, towards hall, and gyprock it so that electrics can be put without breaking brick.

Week11: Footings under wall between foyer and hall Week11: low-down photo of the footings Week11: wall between hall and kitchen

Meanwhile, bricklayers have started putting bricks to side and back walls, up to level of windows. Brickwork seems to be fairly clean and nice, and the back of the house seems to be towering high (that's good!).

Week11: Side view showing wall being built Week11: Side view showing wall being built Week11: Side view showing wall being built Week11: Back view showing wall being built Week11: Back view of house

Week 10 [05-09 Aug]

Little progress this week, as we are waiting for windows and workers were on-site only a day or two. Progress items are: (a) The bricks have been delivered, and next week they will start bricking up to window height. (b) The floor coverings have been stripped in preparation for laying floorboards, (c) the suspended ceiling support for the living area has been put, and (d) the elctrician has been putting in some points downstairs. Met with Matthew on-site Thursday morning, and discussed a few issues.

First, the flooring in the kitchen area has different materials, making it uneven. The first photo shows both concrete and floorboards abutting, and the second photo shows the unevenness in the concrete. This has to be levelled by some grinding, before paying a sheet of magnemite (about 3-4mm thick) and then putting tiles on top. This will add somewhat to cost, which Matthew is going to work on with the tiler to give us an estimate of the work involved.

Week10: kitchen floor 1 Week10: kitchen floor 2

Second issue is more serious, and is regarding the wall near the door between the foyer and the hall. The first photo below shows that there must have originally been a doorway there which has been blocked. They did a patchy job: they did not not key in the bricks, and the gap under the old lintel has been filled with soft grout that is crumbling (see second and third photos below). The load of the wall above has caused a crack to run down the wall (see next photo, which shows vertical crack above the two dodgy bricks in the nib between old and new doorway). Matthew is going to call in his engineer to see if the load is going all the way down to the footing or only till the floor. Accordingly he will decide if remedial action is required (which may require this part of the wall to be rebuilt), since the beam above bearing the load from the upper floor is putting weight on this wall).

Week10: doorway in hall Week10: lintel above doorwar in hall Week10: lintel above doorwar in hall Week10: crack in wall above doorway in hall

There is a similar issue in the bricks in the hall where the old part of the house meets the new. The two photos below show that where the old part (right) meets the new (left), the bricks have not been keyed in, and and been crammed in vertically. This is not as much a structural issue, but aesthetic, as the render is going to crack there when the different parts of the wall move differently.

Week10: vertical stacked bricks in hallway Week10: vertical stacked bricks in hallway

There is also dodgy brickwork in the living room wall. This wall was the back wall of the original house. The first photo below shows the right part, which shows an original doorway, and the second photo shows the left part, which was probably a window. The (broken) wall on the left is not proper either (third photo below). Matthew reckons this is more aesthetic than structural (i.e. cracking can appear), and he will work out how to address this. Very different from the new bricks that have been put (last photo below)!

Week10: right side of living room wall showing door Week10: left side of living room wall showing window Week10: left side of living room wall showing window Week10: left side of living room wall showing window

Lastly, we need to think about whether we want to do anything to the fireplace in the dining (see photo below) - at the very least throw away the electric heater in there!

Week10: left side of living room wall showing window

Week 9 [29 Jul-02 Aug]

Work has been generally slow this week, as they are waiting for windows to arrive before brickwork etc can proceed. Matthew could not come Friday, so met with electrician Paul on-site on Friday. Progress this week includes (ordered by picture below): (1) the frame for internal wall in living room has been put up, (2) the living room wall and other areas in general have been stripped of render to prepare for re-rendering, (3) tiles have been removed from the floor in the area outside the kitchen, (4) tiles have been removed from the floor in the stairs area, (5) roof tiles are in place, (6) sarking insulation is seen under the roof tiles, (7) the facia and gutters are in place and can be seen from the side of the house, and (8) The front view of the house showing overall progress so far.

Talked to the electrician about electrics upstairs. Putting a fan+light plus 2 power-points in each bedroom, 4 downlights in the retreat, and a two-way light in the hall. Need to decide about mirror light for bathroom - strip light above mirror or a focused downlight?

Also working with Acron kitchens on kitchen design, almost converged. Need to go this Saturday to select splashback tiles and wall feature tiles, and all appliances.

Week9: frame for internal wall in living room Week9: frame for internal wall in living room Week9: frame for internal wall in living room Week9: frame for internal wall in living room Week9: frame for internal wall in living room Week9: frame for internal wall in living room Week9: frame for internal wall in living room Week9: front view of house

Week 8 [22-26 Jul]

Went jogging on Monday evening and saw from street that some of the framing was already up (first picture below) - progress is good! Met with Matthew on-site Friday morning as usual and walked on the upstairs platform. The framing for all rooms is in place, so getting an idea of space. Second picture shows the stairs area; already showing that our first floor is fairly high and above the level for adjoining houses, so good views! The next two picture show the retreat area; as can be seen the height is pretty good for nice views. The next picture shows the bathroom: decent size! The next three pictures show the bedrooms: the main, nayan's and kiran's. They all seem to have nice big windows, so should have plenty of light. The last two pictures show the view from the lower floor, from the yard and from the rear.

Things discussed: the guttering and facia is being put up now, should be done by early next week. The roof tiles should arrive next week and should be up by wednesday. The flooring guy (we decided on Mint) is going to start ripping up the cork in the foyer/dining next Thursday, and the electrician will start wiring up the upper floor. The windows have been ordered and will take 2-3 weeks. Matthew mentioned that (all?) upper windows will need safety locking so they open no more than 10cm (bummer!) to prevent kids from falling off. Also got a revised kitchen design from Paul/Denise; still doesn't look very right so we have to work on it this weekend.

Week8: upper floor framing from street Week8: upper floor stairs area Week8: upper floor retreat facing sideyard Week8: upper floor retreat facing backwayd Week8: upper floor bathroom Week8: upper floor master bedroom Week8: upper floor Nayan's bedroom Week8: upper floor Kiran's bedroom Week8: side view of house from yard Week8: rear view of house

Week 7 [15-19 Jul]

Again met with Matthew on-site Friday morning. Has been a beautiful sunny week, work has been progressing well. Major developments are: (a) the cavity has been created for moving the electric meter box to the side of the house above the gas meter. (b) The kitchen window opening has been finished, with brickwork going above the lintel (Matthew said the brickwork had been loose, so he has broken down and rebuilt that part of the kitchen external wall). (c) The floor sheeting is in place, and I was able to walk on the floor platform upstairs. (d) Brickwork is progressing well for taking the frame next week.

Some of the issues we discussed are: (a) Flooring: still deciding between the quote from Mint flooring and Sydney flooring. Mint is higher by about $2K, but takes care of cork removal, step treads and risers, and leveling. Sydney flooring wants builder to level the conrete spikes, and does not want to do cork removal. Talked to Phil of Mint and he reduced quote to $30K to match Sydney, so will likely go with them. (b) Laundry ceiling is 2.4m not 2.7m, so had to talk to Acorn cabinetry to adjust height of laundry cabinet accordingly. (c) Discussed kitchen with Matthew (benchtop widths are 3.87m, 3.55m, and 2.42m), who though flooring may look too busy if travertine stone is laid in brick pattern, wanted to be more conservative by going with 30x30 square tiles. (d) Might be still a bit early to talk to Alan about built-in closets, might want to wait till Aug. (e) Electrics excess for lower floor comes to about $2K. Essentially all wiring has now been replaced, except the light wiring in foyer, dining, and guest bedroom.

Week7: hole for electric meter box Week7: kitchen window from outside Week7: kitchen window from inside Week7: living room ceiling Week7: living room inside Week7: living room inside Week7: floor platform back facing Week7: floor platform front facing

Week 6 [08-12 Jul]

Visited site several days this week. Met with Phil of Mint flooring on Tuesday; he said the concrete part would be easier as they would batten it up to match levels; we will have a ramp into bathoom as the floor in living will rise by 40-50mm. The battens need to go before the staircase. He also said he would use solid planks for the steps in hall. The cork above the wooden boards in foyer/dining/hall needs to be removed, and he will then use membrane, battens and plywood. His quote came back Thursday at about $32K. Also met with Jonathan of Sydney Flooring on-site Wednesday. He talked about grinding the concrete to level it, but Nathan said that would be expensive, so he will also use battens. He says no membrane on the wooden floor, only on concrete. Also says that since the living is big, he will have to use expansion joints (cork) if the boards are laid across the room, so it might actually be better to lay the boards along the house rather than across. Awaiting his quote next week. Also met with Paul the electrician on-site Wednesday, and need to make lots of decisions on power points and lights. Visited kitchen showroom of Paul+Diane on Wednesday afternoon and talked about design. Need to research appliances.

Several issues to make decisions on:

Visited site on Friday and met with Matthew and Paul the electrician again. Decided to move electrical switchboard to left side of house on top of gas meter (should be compliant). The roof structure is progressing well, with beams in place and joists being installed. Matthew says the inspection from council is scheduled for coming Monday, and from Tuesday they will start laying the floor platform. The laundry plumbing is also being roughed in.

Week6: fireplace lights Week6: fireplace floor Week6: kitchen ceiling Week6: kitchen ceiling Week6: kitchen bench and window Week6: stairs area Week6: roofing joists Week6: roofing joists Week6: roofing joists Week6: roofing joists Week6: roofing joists Week6: roofing joists

Week 5 [01-05 Jul]

Nice and sunny this week! Met with Matthew on-site on Friday. They had already put the steel beam over living, and were in the process of hoisting the other beam on top of the kitchen wall. However it was turning out to be unsafe using raisers, so they had to then carry it up the scaffolding ramp. The roof tiles had also been stripped to make space for the beam on kitchen. Got prod from Matthew on flooring and kitchen, so plan to chase these up next week.

Week5: beam above living Week5: beam above kitchen wall being hoisted Week5: living room from yard Week5: living room top view Week5: Roof tiles stripped Week5: front view of house

Week 4 [24-28 Jun]

Matthew back from Fiji this week, met with him on-site Friday morning, and spent nearly an hour there. Had been pouring rain all week, so external work was severely curtailed. Progress included: (a) Internal openings between dining and kitchen, and dining and foyer had been bricked and appropriate openings created. (b) scaffolding was up so was able to climb on top and get a top-view – quite high! (c) Laundry back-wall had been built in brick, (d) guest bedroom window lintel was insufficient in length, so they have replaced the lintel, which required the wall above to be rebuilt.

Discussed a few things with Matthew: (a) Wood floor covering: Matthew still thought solid timber can warp due to moisture even if we put membrane under. (b) Skirting boards on lower floor to be kept consistent with existing, but upstairs will have more rounded pencil end. (c) Layout of laundry has tub to right, washing machine and dryer next to it, and a broom closet at the far left. Shelving can go on top above the tiles. (d) Discovered that the plumbing drainage in the back part of the house is earthenware, and was blocking up due to tree roots. Plumber has cleared it for now, but need to think about putting either a PVC lining internally or doing a clean every year.

Week4: dining to kitchen view Week4: dining to foyer view Week4: dining to yard view Week4: foyer to corridoor view Week4: kitchen Week4: laundry Week4: living room to yard Week4: living room windows Week4: living room to hall Week4: Top view 1 Week4: Top view 2 Week4: Top view 3

Week 3 [17-21 Jun]

Matthew still in Fiji this week, met with Glen on-site Friday morning. Had been raining quite a lot over the week, so external work was limited. Main progress was: (a) external walls to living area had been built so sliding doors and extra window can go in, (b) the internal walls (dining-kitchen and dining-foyer) had been cut to prepare for changing the internal openings, (c) the internal wood wall between laundry and staircase had been removed (had lots of termite damage).

Week3: back view Week3: dining to kitchen view Week3: living room to yard Week3: living room windows Week3: living room to hall Week3: Toilet to stairs Week3: View from yard

Week 2 [10-14 Jun]

Matthew was off to Fiji on vacation, so met with Glen on-site on Friday morning. They had brought down the internal wall to create the living room space, brought down the entire external wall to yard for the sliding doors, and knocked down the top part of the back wall to put in new window. The bricked courtyard had also been knocked down. Glen explained that the concrete had been poured after the walls were put up (hence there was no concrete in the centre of the living room where the separator wall had been) and the concrete was poured on top of a sand bed. This also meant that the separator wall between living and toilet could not be made in brick as that would require cutting the concrete to put the brick on the rock footings (too expensive). The toilet (to become stairs) had been stripped, and the wall between the stairs and laundry, which was part-wood, had termite damage, so Glen said they would reconstruct it in brick. All-in-all looks like pretty good progress!

Week2: back view Week2: courtyard Week2: living room Week2: view from yard

Week 1 [5-7 Jun]

Work commenced on Wednesday 5 Jun. Visited site on Friday morning and progress seemed good. They had stripped the roof in the back part of the house, removed the floor covering there, and stripped part of the wall to widen the corridor. There was scaffolding stuff and other material around the house.