Distance = 3m, patient resting and facing away from BaseStation
Distance = 3m, patient resting and facing towards BaseStation
Distance = 6m, patient resting and facing away from BaseStation
Distance = 6m, patient resting and facing towards BaseStation
Distance = 3m, patient standing and facing away from BaseStation
Distance = 3m, patient standing and facing towards BaseStation
Distance = 6m, patient standing and facing away from BaseStation
Distance = 6m, patient standing and facing towards BaseStation
Fixed transmit power: Normal walk
Fixed transmit power: Slow walk
Fixed transmit power: Resting
Offline optimal transmit power: Normal walk
Offline optimal transmit power: Slow walk
Offline optimal transmit power: Resting
Aggressive transmit power: Normal walk
Balanced transmit power: Normal walk
Conservative transmit power: Normal walk
Aggressive transmit power: Slow walk
Balanced transmit power: Slow walk
Conservative transmit power: Slow walk
Aggressive transmit power: Resting
Balanced transmit power: Resting
Conservative transmit power: Resting
Practical transmit power scheme parameters tuning
Balanced transmit power scheme implementation