Current PhD Students:

  1. Shayan Azizi, PhD student, Sep 2023—present, "Network Traffic Analysis and Modelling"

Former PhD Students:

  1. Arman Pashamokhtari, PhD, Sep 2019—Aug 2023, "Managing Networked IoT Assets Using Practical and Scalable Traffic Inference" [now ML Engineer at Canopus Networks]
  2. Sharat Madanapalli, PhD, Jul 2018—Aug 2022, "Enhancing User Experience by Extracting Application Intelligence from Network Traffic" [now Head of Data Science at Canopus Networks]
  3. Minzhao Lyu, PhD, Feb 2018—Jan 2022, "Enterprise Network Security via Data-driven Methods and Programmable Network Telemetry" [now Postdoc Research Associate at UNSW Sydney]
  4. Jawad Ahmed, PhD, Jul 2017—Oct 2021, "Monitoring Security of Enterprise Hosts via DNS Data Analysis" [now Postdoc Research Associate at UNSW Sydney]
  5. Thanchanok (Tara) Sutjarittham, PhD, Jul 2017—Jun 2021, "Modelling and Optimisation of Resource Usage in an IoT Enabled Smart Campus" [now Data Scientist at Canopus Networks]
  6. Mohammad Hossein Chinaei, PhD, Mar 2016—Feb 2021, "Improving Confidentiality and Integrity of Health Data for Body-Worn Sensors" [now Development Team Lead and DApp Architect at BlockStars Technology]
  7. Iresha Pasquel Mohottige, PhD, Jul 2017—Feb 2021, "Analysing Enterprise WiFi Session Data for Modeling Building Occupancy, Evacuation, and Energy Consumption" [now Data Specialist Engineer at Westpac]
  8. Mohammed Ayyoob Hamza, PhD, Jul 2017—Dec 2020, "Securing IoT Networks using Formal Behavioural Modelling and Dynamic Flow Management" [recipient of the UNSW Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis] [now Software Development Engineer at Amazon Co-Founder & Chief Architect at CyAmast]
  9. Arunan Sivanathan, PhD, Mar 2016—Jan 2020, "IoT Behavioural Monitoring via Network Traffic Analysis" [now Senior Researcher at UNSW Sydney Co-Founder & Machine Learning Engineer at CyAmast ]