var news = new Array(); news[105] = '    Jul 2024   Verifying IoT Device Conformance to IETF MUD appeared in TechRxiv'; news[104] = '    Jun 2024   Survey on Enterprise Network Security to appear in IEEE Access'; news[103] = '    Jun 2024   vesData for Mapping and Reasoning of Cyber Risks accepted to AINTEC\'24'; news[102] = '    Jun 2024   Understanding IoT Behavior Changes accepted to ACM SIGCOMM Posters\'24'; news[101] = '    May 2024   Quantification over Time accepted to ECML PKDD\'24'; news[100] = '    Apr 2024   Machine-Processable Data Models for Protocol Specifications appeared in arXiv'; news[99] = '    Apr 2024   Behavioral Transparency of Protocols accepted to IEEE WoWMoM SC2\'24'; news[98] = '    Jan 2024   Estimating Real-Time Quality of Experience granted by the US Patent'; news[97] = '    Jan 2024   MUD Marketplace appeared in arXiv'; news[96] = '    Dec 2023   Decentralized Marketplace for IoT MUD Data accepted to IEEE NOMS\'24'; news[95] = '    Dec 2023   Efficient Backscatter Communication using UAVs accepted to IEEE ICASSP\'24'; news[94] = '    Dec 2023   UAV Operation Time Minimization accepted to IEEE ICASSP\'24'; news[93] = '    Sep 2023   Shayan Azizi joins us as a PhD student. Welcome Shayan!'; news[92] = '    Sep 2023   Reliability of IoT Packet Classifiers accepted to IEEE Globecom A4E\'23'; news[91] = '    Sep 2023   Efficient IoT Traffic Inference to appear in ACM TIoT'; news[90] = '    Aug 2023   Monitoring Network Behaviour of IoT Devices granted by the US Patent'; news[89] = '    Aug 2023   Congratulations to Arman Pasha for receiving his PhD degree on 19 Aug.'; news[88] = '    Jun 2023   Survey on Enterprise Network Security appeared in arXiv'; news[87] = '    Jun 2023   Joined editorial board of IEEE TNSM'; news[86] = '    Jun 2023   PEDDA for Detecting Distributed Attacks to appear in Computer Networks'; news[85] = '    Apr 2023   Detecting Anomalous Microflows in IoT Traffic appeared in arXiv'; news[84] = '    Apr 2023   Monitoring Network Behaviour of IoT Devices allowed by the US Patent'; news[83] = '    Apr 2023   Managing Concept Drifts in IoT Traffic Inference to appear in IEEE IoT Journal'; news[82] = '    Mar 2023   pScan for IoT Asset Characterization accepted to IEEE NOMS Manage-IoT\'23'; news[81] = '    Jan 2023   Classifying Networked Devices granted by the US Patent'; news[80] = '    Jan 2023   Concept Drifts in IoT Traffic Inference appeared in arXiv'; news[79] = '    Nov 2022   Classifying IoT Flow Time-Series accepted to IEEE SKIMA'; news[78] = '    Nov 2022   DNS Asset Mapping and Health Tracking to appear in IEEE TNSM'; news[77] = '    Nov 2022   Modeling Behavior of IoT IPFIX Records to appear in IEEE IoT Journal'; news[76] = '    Oct 2022   Classifying Networked Devices allowed by the US Patent'; news[75] = '    Sep 2022   Classifying and Tracking Enterprise Assets to appear in Computer Networks'; news[74] = '    Aug 2022   Congratulations to Sharat Madanapalli for receiving his PhD degree on 16 Aug.'; news[73] = '    Aug 2022   Non-Existent DNS Responses accepted to IEEE Globecom\'22'; news[72] = '    Aug 2022   Classifying Video Network Traffic granted by the US Patent'; news[71] = '    Jul 2022   Runner\'s up Paper Award for PicP-MUD at IEEE WoWMoM SC2\'22'; news[70] = '    Jul 2022   DNS Encryption to appear in ACM Computing Surveys'; news[69] = '    Jul 2022   MUDBrick to appear in IEEE IoT Journal'; news[68] = '    Jun 2022   Detecting Network Security Attacks granted by the US Patent'; news[67] = '    Jun 2022   AdIoTack to appear in Computers \& Security'; news[66] = '    May 2022   RFC9238: Loading MUD URLs published by the IETF'; news[65] = '    May 2022   Detecting DGA-Enabled Malware to appear in IEEE TNSE'; news[64] = '    Apr 2022   PicP-MUD accepted to IEEE WoWMoM SC2\'22'; news[63] = '    Mar 2022   Submission on Australia’s Cyber Security Regulations appeared in SSRN'; news[62] = '    Mar 2022   Inferring Occupancy from WiFi Session Data to appear in IEEE Sensors Journal'; news[61] = '    Mar 2022   AdIoTack appeared in arXiv'; news[60] = '    Mar 2022   BusQ Resource Optimization via LoRaWAN to appear in IEEE Systems Journal'; news[59] = '    Feb 2022   Optimizing Building Energy during Evacuation to appear in IEEE IoT Journal'; news[58] = '    Jan 2022   Congratulations to Minzhao Lyu for receiving his PhD degree on 28 Jan.'; news[57] = '    Jan 2022   Cyber-Health of DNS Assets appeared in arXiv'; news[56] = '    Jan 2022   Survey on DNS Encryption appeared in arXiv'; news[55] = '    Dec 2021   Know Thy Lag accepted to PAM\'22'; news[54] = '    Dec 2021   Modeling Live Video Streaming appeared in arXiv'; news[53] = '    Nov 2021   Book Chapter on IoT Cybersecurity published by John Wiley & Sons'; news[52] = '    Oct 2021   PARVP accepted to ACM CoNEXT DAI-SNAC\'21'; news[51] = '    Oct 2021   Congratulations to Jawad Ahmed for receiving his PhD degree on 9 Oct.'; news[50] = '    Jun 2021   Inferring Connected IoT Devices from IPFIX Records accepted to IEEE LCN\'21'; news[49] = '    Jun 2021   Congratulations to Tara Sutjarittham for receiving her PhD degree on 20 Jun.'; news[48] = '    Apr 2021   ReCLive: Inference of Live Video Streaming accepted to IEEE/ACM IWQoS\'21'; news[47] = '    Apr 2021   Classroom Occupancy using Data of WiFi Infrastructure appeared in arXiv'; news[46] = '    Feb 2021   Congratulations to M. H. Chinaei for receiving his PhD degree on 13 Feb.'; news[45] = '    Feb 2021   Congratulations to Iresha P. Mohottige for receiving her PhD degree on 04 Feb.'; news[44] = '    Jan 2021   Optimal Witnessing of IoT Data using Blockchain to appear in IEEE IoT Journal'; news[43] = '    Jan 2021   Detecting Distributed DNS Attacks to appear in IEEE TNSM'; news[42] = '    Nov 2020   Congratulations to Ayyoob Hamza for receiving his PhD degree on 27 Nov.'; news[41] = '    Nov 2020   Monetizing Carpark IoT Data to appear in IEEE IoT Journal'; news[40] = '    Aug 2020   Survey of IoT Network Security appeared in arXiv'; news[39] = '    Jul 2020   Promoted to Senior Lecturer'; news[38] = '    May 2020   Verifying and Monitoring MUD Profiles to appear in IEEE TDSC'; news[37] = '    Apr 2020   Best Paper Award for Progressive Monitoring of IoT Networks at ETSecIoT\'20'; news[36] = '    Mar 2020   Detecting Behavioral Change of IoT Devices to appear in IEEE IoT Journal'; news[35] = '    Mar 2020   Progressive Monitoring of IoT Networks accepted to ACM ETSecIoT\'20'; news[34] = '    Jan 2020   Programmable Telemetry for IoT Cyber-Security to appear in IEEE TNSM'; news[33] = '    Jan 2020   Congratulations to Arunan Sivanathan for receiving his PhD degree on 23 Jan.'; news[32] = '    Jan 2020   Building Evacuation Analysis using WiFi Data accepted to ACM/IEEE IoTDI\'20'; news[31] = '    Sep 2019   Security at Software-Defined Exchange Points to appear in IEEE TNSM'; news[30] = '    Sep 2019   Arman Pashamokhtari joins us as a PhD student. Welcome Arman!'; news[29] = '    Sep 2019   Monitoring DNS Exfiltration for Enterprises to appear in IEEE TNSM'; news[28] = '    Aug 2019   Network Security for IoT appeared in IEEE Computer'; news[27] = '    Jul 2019   iTeleScope to appear in IEEE TNSM'; news[26] = '    Jul 2019   Traffic Modeling (WiFi Calling and IoT Devices) accepted to IEEE LCN\'19 '; news[25] = '    Jun 2019   Joined editorial board of IEEE Networking Letters'; news[24] = '    Jun 2019   Best Open Dataset Award for Inferring Netflix UX at IEEE/IFIP TMA\'19 '; news[23] = '    May 2019   Assisting Sensitive Applications accepted to ACM SIGCOMM NetAI\'19 '; news[22] = '    Apr 2019   Inferring Netflix User Experience accepted to IEEE/IFIP TMA\'19 '; news[21] = '    Apr 2019   Modelling Car-Park Usage accepted to IEEE WoWMoM\'19 '; news[20] = '    Feb 2019   Google Faculty Research Award (Networking 2018) '; news[19] = '    Feb 2019   Optimizing Classroom Usage to appear in IEEE IoT Journal '; news[18] = '    Jan 2019   MUDlearn and OpenTD accepted to ACM SOSR\'19 '; news[17] = '    Jan 2019   Started my new role at UNSW Sydney'; news[16] = '    Dec 2018   Mapping Hosts using DNS accepted to PAM\'19 '; news[15] = '    Nov 2018   Gave a talk on IoT Cyber-Security at ACDCN workshop in Adelaide '; news[14] = '    Nov 2018   DNS Exfiltration with Demo accepted to IFIP/IEEE IM\'19 '; news[13] = '    Nov 2018   Scanning IoTs and WiFi-Based Counting accepted to IEEE ICIAfS\'18 '; news[12] = '    Oct 2018   Smart Campus Vision accepted to IEEE ANTS\'18 '; news[11] = '    Aug 2018   IoT Device Classification to appear in IEEE TMC '; news[10] = '    May 2018   MUDgee and MUDids accepted to ACM SIGCOMM IoT S&P\'18 '; news[9] = '    Feb 2018   JPIP Video Delivery over SDN to appear in Computer Networks'; news[8] = '    Jan 2018   Monitoring Classroom Occupancy accepted to ACM IPSN\'18 '; news[7] = '    Nov 2017   Security Implications of Consumer IoTs to appear in IEEE TSM'; news[6] = '    Oct 2017   Cloud Assisted Home Networks accepted to ACM CAN\'18'; news[5] = '    Oct 2017   Two papers accepted to IEEE ANTS\'17'; news[4] = '    Sep 2017   Real-Time Detection of Elephant Flows accepted to IEEE/IFIP NOMS\'18'; news[3] = '    Sep 2017   Systematic Evaluation of IoT Security accepted to ACM CCS IoT S&P\'17'; news[2] = '    May 2017   Quntifying Reflective DDoS on IoTs accepted to ACM WiSec\'17'; news[1] = '    Mar 2017   Characterizing IoT Traffic accepted to IEEE INFOCOM SmartCity\'17'; news[0] = '    Jan 2017   Book on SDN for Broadband published by Springer Theses'; var maxnewscnt = 5; function showNews(partial) { len = news.length; if (partial == true) { len = Math.min (news.length, maxnewscnt); xtra='  More...'; } else { len = news.length; xtra='  Less...'; } elt = ""; for (var i=0; i < len; i++) elt = elt + news[news.length-i-1] + '\n'; elt = elt + xtra + "\n
"; document.getElementById("news").innerHTML=elt; } function init() { var partialnews = true; var url = window.location.toString(); url.match(/\?(.+)$/); var params = RegExp.$1.split("&"); for (var i=0; i